Health Care

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Electronic chip for your cat or dog: what’s the point?

Identifying your pet, an obligation in some cases

Whether they have been purchased or adopted, dogs and cats must be able to be identified. While about 88% of dogs have electronic identification, this drops to only 46% for cats*
In case a pet goes missing, it is much harder to find a pet without electronic identification.

Identification helps to find your pet in the event of loss and to prove that you are the owner if you decide to sell them or give them away.

What is an electronic chip ?

An electronic chip (also called a transponder) is a device the size of a grain of rice, that the vet implants under the skin of the neck.
The implantation is easy and virtually painless for the pet.

Once in place, the 15-digit chip code can be read with a scanner.
Using this code and a National Register, you can be notified that someone has found your pet. It is essential that you keep your contact details on the National Register up to date.

The National Register is contactable at or 0800 LOSTPET.

If you find a lost dog or cat, contact Animal Control, the SPCA or your local veterinarian.

* Exclusive TNS/Sofres study for I-CAD (September 2016)

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